Maha Maya Center of Consciousness Logo


Maha Maya Center of Consciousness Logo


Maha Maya Center of Consciousness Logo



Permaculture Garden

Permaculture (derived from permanent agriculture) is both a philosophy of life and a design tool for creating sustainable living spaces. The cycles of nature are our source of inspiration.

In order to create regenerative cultures it is important in all areas of life - from agriculture to community building - to consider how we use energy and resources sensibly and which long-term values and design principles we pursue.


Principle Wheel

The 2,000m² permaculture garden in the Maha Maya Center focuses – besides of conveying this ethical attitude – on the regeneration of soil and water, the use of organic seeds and compost, the avoidance of pesticides and plant diversity instead of monoculture.

The aim is for the center to supply itself sustainably with fruit and vegetables. People regenerate and heal with the help of the garden and are empowered to consciously nourish themselves and their families.

Another intention is to learn regenerative practices through joint co-creation and permaculture educational opportunities. Our garden integrates both vegetable patches - for the daily harvest for our delicious Indian cuisine - and the planting of a wide variety of trees. With the resulting tropical permaculture forest garden, mother nature is once again serving as a role model - the ecosystem of a rainforest is one of the most harmonious, holistic and species-rich systems on earth.

We are very happy that Christine is building and leading our permaculture 🙂

Permaculture Folder

Here you have the chance to download our full permaculture folder. We thank you for your interest!

Maha Maya Center of Consciousness
Parvati Reicher
Vienna - Austria
Kerala - India
Tel.: 0043 699 11 044 258

gemeinwohl-siegelOur centre is a public welfare audited project.

If you want to donate for the center, click here:

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Life and Visit at Maha Maya Center

Grüß Euch – oder vandanam, wie man auf Malayalam sagt 😊 Heute möchte ich Euch vom Leben im und um...

What our guests speak

"Dieser Ort ist einfach magisch, mit jedem Atemzug und mit jedem Schritt auf diesem Boden wurde ich von einer ganz speziellen Energie durchströmt, die ich bis heute noch spüren kann."

Petra (HIAO Single Retreat)

Im Maha Maya Center habe ich die Einzigartigkeit meiner Seele und ihr Bedürfnis, etwas zu schaffen, wiederentdeckt.
Die Stille und Gelassenheit erhellen immer noch meine Seele.

Christine (Guest)

"Während des HIAO Retreats tauchte ich in eine völlig neue Welt ein... diese Übungen zeigten bald eine tiefe Wirkung auf mich selbst, und innere Wunden begannen zu heilen, unnötiger Ballast begann abzufallen."

Monika (HIAO Retreat)